A Step Ahead: 9DotStrategies Already on HTTPS Before Google Announced Its Update

With Google just recently announced HTTPS as an SEO ranking signal on August 6; 9DotStrategies (a web development company, based in the Philippines servicing international and local clients) has already made the move as early as July 18.

9DotStrategies is officially a secured site with its new URL: https://www.9dotstrategies.com. The website soft launch on August 4 is a brave testament on the company’s decision to strengthen the security of the website, thus, protecting our growing clientele, database, and user-interactive transactions on the main site.

9DotStrategies’ site move from http://www.9dotstrategies.com to https://www.9dotstrategies.com encompasses the improved technologies acquired by the company, and the direction to build a fortress for our highly-confidential information systems. With the successful site move and leap in Search Engine Optimization rankings, 9Dotstrategies has now outbeat local competitors, and is aggressively penetrating the international online market.

9DotStrategies’ HTTPS new URL address is now a ranking signal by search engines (especially Google). How HTTPS contribute to quality search results? Google Webmaster Central Blog released an update last August 6 mentioning how HTTPS’ Transport Layer Security (TLS) provides information protection. As a premier web development company, we take information protection seriously. It features three key functions: encryption, data integrity, and authentication.

Authentication- The HTTPS’ TLS secures access information key from both parties (user and the website) and verifies or grants consent for entering the website page/s. This helps screen users’ passage into the website and monitors the credibility of the parties, who conduct transactions on the website.

Data integrity- The HTTPS’ TLS protects the data during migration, transmission, or communication, and sends signals to the server when a problem or unusual activity occurs. During the data transfer from the host server to the client server (migration), the TLS provides reports on the process, and send notice when unlikely interruption occurs. This helps developers to track the migration activity and receive alerts on threats along the way. This ensures that all data transfers will be safe and protected against man-in-the-middle attacks (data hacking).

Encryption- The HTTPS’ TLS protects the exchanged data and add layers of security so it will not be stolen by hackers during migration or activity within the website. The encrypted pages ensure that the data will be transported to its authorized and authenticated destination parties.

The HTTPS’ TLS security features are extremely helpful for websites who have multiple clients, relying on their servers to perform business transactions. Also, TLS aids e-commerce websites in protecting credit card information, fund transfer transaction, user identification, corporate trade secrets, client database, confidential content information, financial records, and private files. The TLS help preserve the integrity of data sharing and transfer within authenticated users.

If you are actively involved in financial transactions on your website, it is wise to shift your website URL to HTTPS. Also, if you want to build a fortress around your website, while your client confidential database is growing, it is wise to utilize the security benefits of TLS.

Switch to change, shift to HTTPS. 9DotStrategies has already made the daring site move successfully. Call our web development company representative at +1-510-936-8878 (US Direct) or +63 02 846-6845 (PH): We will assist you throughout the HTTPS transition.

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