Next Battleground for SEO: Google+ and Google Places

Google Glass is already here, and the growing popularity of it is beginning to shape the future of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You might have been busy promoting your brand on Facebook, and writing bulk content for your website, that’s great but you need to get ready for the future.

SEO of the Future is Here

Where will you start in your Google Glass SEO revamp? You can start by optimizing your Google+ and Google Places account. These two Google products are the prime sources of information where answers are taken and given to searchers.

Google Glass uses its two prime products to extract info snippets from top websites. Because Google Glass works on a small eye frame, it displays around four lines of information, which is deemed as the main answer for your question. Google Glass focuses on exact, accurate, and concise answers on your website, and reports them to the searcher. Google listens to the voice command of the user and return answers according to the searchers’ browsing history (personalized search), IP address (your registered location), and calendar (one of the Google Glass software application).

In crawling websites, Google values the authority of authors, relevance and influence of the content, and the number of referring websites. This means, you have to work with reputable content that is viral enough and recommended highly by the social community. To extract a content that meets such standard, it relies first on Google+ and Google Places as the primary informants. These two Google products, undoubtedly, will define the Search Engine Optimization game mechanics.

Another reason to consider is that Google’s implementation of quality standards can be easily implemented and monitored using their own systems, which the two products can easily adapt.

Getting Ahead in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) via Google Glass

So how can you work out the current standards for “quality” and “relevant” answers for the Google Glass phenomenon? Here are two ways to start with:

1. Post your info snippets in Google+ first. Make your title in question format, then provide an exact, accurate, and concise answer within the first two sentences. Calculate the word count as if it will fit the eye wear screen. Then, you can proceed with writing the rest of the content. Make sure it is conversational enough, and the delivery style is broadcaster-like. The reason for this is, Google Glass is voice-oriented, and it reports the answers to the searcher in broadcast manner.

The Google voice command crawls for information like speed bullet, and it presents the information in the most concise fashion (around 4 lines, fitting the eye wear screen). This means, you have to practice presenting information as if you are live in the broadcast studio.

Next, share your post with the Google+ community. Invite your friends to like, comment, share, and write positive reviews about you and the article you wrote. This will help you increase your authority rate as well as reviews rate. The higher vote you have, the higher chance you will be reported by Google Glass.

2. Make your business establishment tops the Google Places. The number of positive reviews you have in your Google+ will directly be integrated with your Google Places status. This means, Google regards you and your local business establishment as having a reputable standing in the community, and is worthy of recommendation. With this philosophy, it is necessary to gather positive testimonials, feedbacks, reviews, and comments from your actual customers and clients, which are also living with your locale. Make sure to update your business address, and it reflects the accurate location in Google Map. Also, have your Google+ business page verified, and mention your town name or city name often alongside with your phone number and email address. The game is in regional trade, and your location plays a big role in being significantly recommended by the local people.

For sure, Google Glass will incorporate other social media sites in its main operations, but for now, focus on Google+ and Google Places. Remember to provide ready question and answer info snippets in these two accounts. You will still have to make your content viral by promoting it in Google+ and to other social media sites such as Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, You Tube, and Facebook. Somehow, you can still propagate your main website’s URL link so as to unify your internet marketing efforts; thus, Google can have a clear path to walk through your social connections.

There are more exciting features that Google Glass will showcase in the upcoming months; we can just expect that these changes are geared toward making the search experience easier and even hands-free. The authority of information-givers is ever important nowadays and is much rated in terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The path towards a successful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign in the next months depend on how well you can help Google voice command reports the precise answers to the people’s questions. The relevancy of everyday queries matters much for the Google masters as well as for you- the SEO specialist… you should.

To learn more about how you can revamp your Search Engine Optimization strategies, call 9Dotstrategies, a premier SEO Company in the Philippines,  at +1-510-936-8878 (US Direct) or +63 02 846-6845 (PH).

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