Using Skype for Communications

What do you use to communicate with your friends Internationally?  If haven’t already done so, open up a Skype account.  It’s free to use unless you decide to take advantage of of their paid services like multi-video conference.

How to use hidden emoticons on Skype:

Using these emoticons is really simple. All you need to do is copy the code given with each emoticon and paste it directly into the chat box and your emoticon will be rendered.

I hope you enjoy the 15 hidden Skype emotions which you can use while chatting with your friends on Skype, impress them by sending them one and see their amazement!


Emoticon Code Description
(mooning) Perfect for Monday Moonings!
(finger) Self explanatory  =)
(swear) censored… beep..beep…beep
(rock) You’re a RockStar!
(smoking) For the “cool” ones out there
(drunk) Anybody there, take me home…
(poolparty) Pool party time!
(toivo) Toivo a skype engineer with his dog ?
(bandit) When you feel like “creeping”
(headbang) For all the Headbangers out there!
(fubar) Things are not working!
(tmi) Too Much Information (TMI) emoticon…
(bug) Black BUG Emoticon…
(heidy) Squirrel with his nut…
(MySpace) MySpace partnership with Skype emoticon…
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