3D WayFinder and 9Dot Strategies

What is 3D WayFinder?  In a nutshell the term “wayfinder” refers to the software that helps visitors find their way in large public buildings or properties.   For visitors it offers interactive engagement by providing an up-to-date digital directory where the users can experience a birds-eye-view or first person perspective of the entire property.   This gives a unique experience to the end users and provides the property management with a powerful marketing opportunity for tenant information and advertisements.

What are the Benefits:

  • Intuitive and realistic 3D maps
  • Ability to Quick Search and browse by locations, categories, or by floors
  • It provides a graphical route visualization to the destination
  • It offers a flexibility to add custom modules, integrate into loyalty programs, or even provide route or coupon print outs

RIO through through Advertising:

Wayfinder Management System is centralized and can manage all platform deployments (Web, Mobile and Kiosk) under one dashboard.  It allows for banner and contextual Ads management.  It also tracks usage and statistics:

  • Tenant popularity
  • Language popularity
  • Popular search keywords
  • Most popular advertisement

Custom GUI (Graphical User Interface):

The user interface is highly customizable and offers very few restrictions.  It’s flexibility is what attracted us to this solution.

Exclusive Reseller for the Philippines:

I am very pleased to announce that 9Dot Strategies and the team and 3D WayFinder have formed a partnership and has made 9DS the exclusive partner for the Philippines.  This technology is not available in the Philippines today and we are very excited to begin 2014 with this new product.  We already have begun our marketing efforts to launch this technology through our hardware partner Phil-Data Philippines.  More on that in my next post!


Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to see a demo of this exciting new technology.  What a great way to end 2013!

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